Working with IHAT, the state Technical Support Unit, DHIS2 was used as a state data warehouse to integrate data from all sources including the national HMIS portal and various state specific programmes. An integrated dashboard helps different health programmes to monitor their specific indicators and to take corrective action where required. In an incremental manner, more and more of the state programmes are being included in the portal moving towards the vision of creating a one window portal for all health data in the state. A DHIS2 based dashboard has also been linked to the Chief Minister’s portal to enable the review of health indicators critical to the broader development of the State.
The DHIS2 has been used by Greenstar, a not for profit organization in Pakistan providing family planning services to the citizens. The DHIS2 tracker helps support BCC activities and tracking of beneficiaries for family planning adoption and reproductive health services through the community workers, and health service providers network. DHIS2 helps to analyze associations between stakeholders and respective service delivery events to understand not only the type of services given, but also to monitor the performance of the service providers.
Plan International is a global organization which has adopted the DHIS2 tracker for registration and tracking of youths for programmes which provide them employment solutions. The application helps analyze links between beneficiaries, trainers, employers at different events of the program to track and analyse the status of the beneficiary during, as well as after the completion of the program to understand the impact of the interventions
Overall it has been a really great experience working with HISP. The process has been smooth and the team has gone above and beyond for working on our project. I could definitely not have achieved what we have without Saurabh and he’s teams help and we at Plan are forever grateful. We look forward to a long partnership with HISP and are thankful for their hard work and dedication to our project. Bo Percival, Regional Manager for Digital Development, Bangkok.